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brain assist


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  • Product description
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  • Key Ingredients

An advanced nootropic with pine bark extract of the highest quality.

Supports brain health and helps you stay alert and focused. Combined with high-quality, high-DHA-Omega-3, ENZO Brain Assist delivers effective support for healthy brain function. Brain Assist is an advanced nootroptic that improves mental clarity and supports better focus under mental strain, promoting effective brain function.

Advanced Nootropic Assist dose to support healthy brain function:
Adults: 5 capsules per day in one single dose for 3 months
Children: 2 capsules per day in one single dose for 3 months

Advanced Nootropic Maintenance dose for general brain health:
Adults: 2-3 capsules/day
Children: 1 capsule/day

Per one capsule:

  • 200 mg ENZOGENOL®

    pine bark extract

  • 200 mg Ultra-pure DHA-rich Omega-3
    • 167 mg Docosahexanoic acid (DHA)
    •   33 mg Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA)
nootropic supplement for mental clarity - pilot

key ingredients

We cleverly select and source safe, scientifically-proven natural ingredients from New Zealand and around the world. Our formulas support your lifestyle and help your body be at its natural best so you can live life to the fullest.

customer reviews

based on 6 reviews

    Amy on

    I recommend for all teenagers and adults

    My 18 yr daughter took brain assist after a head injury and she felt it helped, and asked for another bottle. My 16yr old son’s behaviour & mood seems more settled when I’m giving him Professional.

    Kate Scarlett on

    Increased alertness

    I’m halfway through the recommended initial 3-month period of taking 5 capsules a day and have noticed a small increase in alertness. I’m 61 and have Parkinson’s Disease so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying the product!

    Rachel Clare on

    Definitely felt a difference

    I like to think that if you put in something good, you get something good out. This is definitely a good supplement. I eat a pretty simple and clean diet, so it wasn’t hard to determine what this stuff would do. I noticed an increase in mental & physical performance. Thoughts and words flowed easier. My mood was drastically better. I highly recommend this product.

    Anita on

    Brain assist

    Recommended to me for help with severe condition. Vertigo, pressure on brain , anxiety, all dramatically improved. I am still taking but reduced no of tablets. Will keep buying

    Johnny on

    Brain injury

    8 years ago I suffered a major brain injury when I was hit by a car whilst shifting sheep up a remote road! I have been talking 5 capsules a day with great results, I can think so much clearer and don’t get so tired in the afternoons! If I forget to take them I get so tired in the afternoon and can’t remember even simple things!

    Laura on

    Great for brain fog

    I notice an instant improvement of cognition and clarity after 2-3 days of taking the 5 capsules daily.

Subscription Detail

Discount: With your subscription you receive a discount of 10% on top of any “buy more and save” discount.

How it works: With your subscription you will be sent your chosen products in the regular intervals that you have chosen. You will be charged for the product when it has been sent out using your saved payment method.

Cancellation Policy: You can cancel your subscription any time by logging into your account and going to Subscriptions, or you can call us on 0800 436 964 to cancel.

Making Changes: You can make changes to your subscription online by logging into your account, or simply call us on 0800 436 964.
