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enzo professional


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  • Product description
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  • Key Ingredients

High-dose pure New Zealand

pine bark extract

recommended by integrative doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors and other health professionals. Maximum antioxidant support for brain, eye, cardiovascular and blood vessel function. Supports attention and behaviour in children: click here to see case studies.

Adult: 2-4 capsules per day in one single dose
Children: 1-2 capsules per day in one single dose
or as directed by your doctor

For maintaining healthy cardiovascular, neurological and inflammatory status in adults take 2 caps. For greater support take 4 caps.

For supporting healthy brain function, learning and behaviour in children age 3-6: Give one capsule per day. Higher dosing should not be necessary in very young children.

Age 7-12: For the first two weeks give 1 capsule per day. If symptoms improve maintain this dose. If no improvements are noticed in the first two weeks increase dose to 2 capsules per day.

Age 13 and older: For the first week give 1 capsule per day. If symptoms improve maintain this dose. If no improvements are noticed in the first week increase the dose to 2 capsules per day. If symptoms improve on 2 caps per day maintain this dose, otherwise from the third week increase dose to 4 caps per day.

Per one capsule:

  • 240 mg ENZOGENOL®

    pine bark extract

  • 30 mg Vitamin C
older people in good health

key ingredients

We cleverly select and source safe, scientifically-proven natural ingredients from New Zealand and around the world. Our formulas support your lifestyle and help your body be at its natural best so you can live life to the fullest.

customer reviews

based on 6 reviews

    Rob Gulotta on


    “Hello My name is Rob G i am legally blind due to retina pigmentosa(RP) which i developed age 25 1995. I started using a cane at 41 in April 2012 . It was Jan 2017 I could not see computer or TV images anymore & could not be independent. I had already tried other natural tablets such as vitamin A and bilberry, fish oil the lot. I met Catherine in April 2018 at Eastern creek at a Dual driving day for the blind who suggested after a conversation about my eye blindness she felt it would be my advantage to give Enzogenol pine bark extract a go. I took them from April 2018 2 in morning and 2 at night after food. Less than 2 months later I noticed improvement. I could make out shapes and the white laundry door & found I wasn’t bumping into objects as much. Today 3.4 years on I can see the edge of my driveway, edge of grass & concrete, the letterbox, the wall of my house, sometimes see the silver lining on stairs at shopping centres especially when the sunlight is behind me & escalator not working, I can see the time on my phone if i stare at it for 5 seconds but after that it disappears probably from the strain and have to blink to refocus. I can see the images moving on the Tv & see the TV channel number, if sunlight shining into the house i can see the furniture & I walk in a straight line more confidently. I also see dashboard of car & steering wheel. My eye specialist said he noticed my eyes have stabilised .

    Kris Scollo on

    My Diverticulum reduced

    I want to let you know how much your Enzo pine bark has improved my management of my divertulum. At 45 I had a colonoscopy to reveal multiple diverticulum and Melasma. The Doctor said “I had a Mine field of diverticulum and you’ll be sick when you are old”, so I changed my diet to Vegetarian and drink now 2 litres of water a day. I took other antioxidants for a number of years and my diverticulum had reduced to 2.
    I stopped taking the other antioxidants for quite some time and it wasn’t until I heard about Enzogenol pine bark antioxidants that I thought I better start taking them again as I had only just had another Colonoscopy which revealed the diverticulum had all come back again. So on realising I can’t stop taking Pine bark I was overwhelmed to discover someone local who knew about the benefits of Enzo pine bark. I have been using these capsules now for 10 years, I havn’t been constipated since , There is no Melasma and only 2 diverticulum and my GP doctor told me I am a proactive person and that it was possible that diverticulum can close up but had to be a very good diet. I still feel like I am 30 years of age. I won’t be stopping my intake of Enzogenol pine bark antioxidants that’s for sure and I still enjoy my daily coffee , 2 litres of sparkling water, and a good fibre diet.

    Tracey Harkness on

    Thank you!

    Hi, Just wanted to say this product has been a lifesaver for my migraines. Nothing was shifting them at all until my friend Sarah H. told me to get onto these pills. I had been suffering from 4-5 day long migraines that no drugs would help, these did after a day. So very very happy – thank you!

    William on


    Tried this as an alternative to the Ārepa drink as the drink is expensive.
    So far works well as the drink. My focus has improved and remained calm during trouble shooting at work which was a big problem of mine.

    Many thanks from the bottom of my heart

    Michelle on

    Amazing product!

    It’s my first bottle of Enzo professional! It works really well on me! I feel more energetic. Skin texture has improved and my melasma has reduced! Thank you so much ! Will order again soon.

    Yuliana Aleksandrova on

    Better Value Than Arepa

    I tried this as a cheaper alternative to the Arepa focus drink. So far, it works just as well. My focus has significantly improved, and I’ve remained calm during troubleshooting at work, which was previously a major challenge for me. The enhanced mental clarity and emotional stability have been game-changers in my workplace performance. I’m impressed by the similar benefits at a lower cost and grateful to have found this effective alternative. I guess the pine bark extract is the key ingredient. It’s made a substantial positive impact on my work life, and I’m excited to continue using it.

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Discount: With your subscription you receive a discount of 10% on top of any “buy more and save” discount.

How it works: With your subscription you will be sent your chosen products in the regular intervals that you have chosen. You will be charged for the product when it has been sent out using your saved payment method.

Cancellation Policy: You can cancel your subscription any time by logging into your account and going to Subscriptions, or you can call us on 0800 436 964 to cancel.

Making Changes: You can make changes to your subscription online by logging into your account, or simply call us on 0800 436 964.
